At Buffalo Air Handling, we realize we’re not just providing you with a product, we’re providing you with a century of expertise. That expertise takes shape in our comprehensive service resources and procedures:
- Experienced field sales engineers
- Application engineering expertise
- Full-time startup servicemen
- ASME code welding
- Unit fit-up at factory; pre-assembly reduces field-installation time and costs
- Performance, sound, vibration and leakage testing all conducted at factory
- Fan balance checked multiple times
- Pre-ship prep: units completely shrink-wrapped for shipment
- Performance
- Sound Pressure or Sound Power
- Vibration
- Leakage
- Units are inspected and cleaned prior to being shrink wrapped.
- All units are shrink wrapped and tarped before leaving the factory.
- Splits are provided to accommodate shipping restrictions, site handling limitations and building access dimensions.
- Full perimeter angles are supplied at each split to allow easy reassembly at the site, and to assure unit integrity.
- Installation Supervision
- Start-up Assistance
- Owner Training
- Field Leak Testing
- Air Handling Unit Selection and Design Seminars for CE Credits